Keep It Simple

status update

My last post was a very long time ago. First I lost track of time, second blogging does not seems to be my cup of tea. In the past few weeks I have been working on rebooting my teams efforts, simplifying things to allow them to be more approachable. From a high level view it appears that my team and rest of the development teams are not ready for more complex next generation type of CICD platforms. [Read More]


Working from the Beach, thinking how to empower my team better

This year my whole extended family decided to extend our annual Hop’s family Beach Week to two weeks! While this was great, the two weeks in August could not have came at a worse time work-wise as there was a lot of activity going on and new work needed attention. Thus I decided to “work from home” the first three days of the our time at the beach. Of course, I would have loved to take the full two weeks, I have PTO days that was not the problem. [Read More]

Private vs Public channels on teams/chat

we need move away for private chats

I am seeing more and more people at my work using private chat groups on MS Teams which is good that Teams is getting more usage. Private channels are not inclusive for others, which I think is a bit of an issue. I understand the idea of private channels it is a bit akin to email more focus to a group and safety. Just like email, private chats lock the conversation and ideas to a group in the know, not the boarder team. [Read More]

SSL website is https enabled is officially SSL/HTTPS enabled. I followed this simple guide Setup aws s3 static website ssl Simply put, I needed to add AWS Cloudfront to my AWS S3 static Website that is powered by hugo, and enable https. First issue came up when you need to have your SSL cert for AWS Certificate Manager before you set up your CloudFront Distribution. That was simple enough. And Bang, is SSL enabled! [Read More]


I missed my favorite bands

This spring and summer I have missed two of my all time favorite bands that came through Philly.

First, I missed Dead and Company; next, I will miss all three Phish shows.

I need to boo myself, and try to get out there and hear the music.

With that said, I am going to try to watch tonights show on live phish

Jenkins is a disease

The block-box of plugins robs teams of knowledge

Jenkins is by far the most widely used tool/platform used in DevOps. It is the automation workhorse for many an organization. Yet there are an issues with Jenkins that new wave of CI/CD tools address. This new code first CICD platforms like Gitlab CI, CircleCI, TravisCI, Etc. are well positioned to take on Jenkins workloads. But I am finding that many “DevOps” engineers really only know how work with Jenkins and its massive plugin eco-system. [Read More]


what and how are good but why is the reason

Why we do DevOps Why we do DevOps is the most important question a DevOps teams needs to answer and understand. Without a solid reason why we are moving towards a devops way of working, the team really is just an automation team. DevOps is much more than just automation, and teams can and do fall into the trap of just automating processes and not focusing on the why the automation is needed. [Read More]

Always chasing a new tool

Quick feedback is a must

Does this sounds familiar, there are so many tools, and so much time lost trying to understand them. It seems like we are always chasing a new tool that might fix something in our process. Yet, this tool does a lot more than we need and we could get it done with a tool we already have. Moreover, by the time you get said new tool in house and running, it has been months and now you question do we really need to tool as process has changed. [Read More]

AWS Developer Associate Certification

Study material

On 4/24/2019 I passed my AWS Developer Associate Certification I studied for a couple weeks and I work with AWS heavily currently. I had a bunch of Kinesis streams, how to secure S3 and Lambda, Lambda with IAM peppered in there. On-line Course - A Cloud Guru Practice Tests Links [Read More]