Why we do DevOps

Why we do DevOps is the most important question a DevOps teams needs to answer and understand. Without a solid reason why we are moving towards a devops way of working, the team really is just an automation team. DevOps is much more than just automation, and teams can and do fall into the trap of just automating processes and not focusing on the why the automation is needed. Pipelines are an example of this great, if the pipeline is the what and how to the ‘why’ we do DevOps there is a huge probability the pipeline will be successfully. On other hand, if the pipeline is developed to be the automation of the build and release process true success will most likely be missed.

Automation needs to be the what and how to accomplish the why we live DevOps.

To keep this short, I am going to give you my ‘Why’, I am a DevOps Engineer.

I believe in DevOps it allows me the opportunity to work with teams to help them improve on flow, feedback and install a continuous improvement mentality.

To break it down a bit:

  • Helping teams remove the waste and unknown in their day to day work is the why I work with teams.
  • Empowering the developer to be able to be work without hand-offs and without the overhead of process bloat is the why I work with teams.
  • Aiding the Ops teams in letting go their tight controls for code first quality gates and guardrails is the why I work with teams.
  • Incorporating security as the way to work from day one is the why I work with teams.

This would be my sales pitch to a team thinking of hiring my team

We believe all teams should be given the power to work and own their code and processes. Teams should be free from political red tape and working the status quote. Teams need to be empowered to experiment, fail and learn. We are here to coach, support and protect your team on its journey of continually improving towards its top goals and ultimate success. Are you ready to join us?

Enterprise DevOps team

Being on an Enterprise DevOps team is a bit different as you can see from my sales pitch above, an enterprise DevOps teams need to be one coaching, and ensuring the team have a safe environment to grow. We push through the political maze of the corporate mandates and policies. We enable teams to work and ensure they get quick feedback.